TalentNetLive.com Recruiting with Snapchat TalentNet Media Recruitment Marketing Employer Brand Process Improvement HR Technology Consulting

In recent years, Snapchat, the wildly popular multimedia messaging app, has become an unexpected powerhouse in the field of talent acquisition. Known primarily for its fun filters and short, ephemeral messages, Snapchat has proven to be a game-changer for recruiters aiming to attract and engage the younger demographic. It offers unique opportunities for sourcing candidates, recruitment marketing and advertising, and building an effective employer brand.

Sourcing in a Snap
The first step is sourcing candidates on Snapchat. Recruiters can find potential candidates by using location-based and interest-based discovery tools. For example, Snapchat’s ‘Snap Map’ feature allows recruiters to locate Snapchatters based on their geographic locations, providing an opportunity to target potential candidates in specific areas. Additionally, the ‘Discover’ feature helps to find users who align with the company’s interests or values. Building a followership is key. Regular posting of engaging and interactive content encourages followers, some of whom could be potential candidates, to engage with the brand.

Snappy Ads
Recruitment marketing and advertising on Snapchat also pose a plethora of opportunities. Snapchat Ads, for instance, allow recruiters to reach out to a wider audience. Video ads, filters, and lenses can be used to communicate job openings, company culture, or to build recruitment campaigns. The inherent interactivity and creativity Snapchat promotes can make these campaigns more engaging, thus increasing the likelihood of response. Also, the ability to ‘swipe up’ to directly apply or learn more about a job is a feature recruiters should leverage.

Employer Branding
Furthermore, Snapchat has proven to be a powerful tool for employer branding. Organizations can use Snapchat to share a behind-the-scenes look into their work culture, day-to-day operations, and employee experiences, offering a transparency that today’s job-seekers appreciate. Snapchat Stories, with their 24-hour lifespan, offer the perfect platform to showcase snippets of company life in a casual and authentic way. The ‘Our Story’ feature, which allows multiple users to contribute to a collective narrative, can be used to share diverse perspectives from different team members, making the employer brand more relatable.

One other way Snapchat can improve your employer branding is through the use of custom Geofilters. These are location-specific overlays for snaps that users can apply when they’re in a certain geographic area. Companies can create their own custom Geofilters for their office or events, which employees and visitors can use, further promoting their brand to their Snapchat network.

The bottom line is, Snapchat is more than just a social media app; it’s a powerful tool in the world of job recruitment. As with any recruitment strategy, the key to success on Snapchat is understanding its unique features and how best to use them to attract and engage your target audience. By effectively sourcing candidates, marketing job opportunities, and promoting your employer brand on Snapchat, you could potentially unlock a whole new world of recruitment possibilities.